Pierce Taylor Hibbs


Imagine the Bible

Teach your kids to imagine the Bible. You will both be more excited about God’s living word because of it.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 05.23.2024

Creation and C.S. Lewis' "Deeper Magic"

If fantasy is the world of magic, then our God-governed reality is a realm of deeper magic.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 04.04.2024

Review: The Boy from the House of Bread

A creative story for 4 to 7-year-olds showcasing the marvels of Christ from a child’s perspective.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

The Green Ember: A Story for Souls

Here are three reasons why the series has been so powerful for us, and why it might be for you, too.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.26.2023

Review: North! Or Be Eaten

North! Or Be Eaten is an excellent follow-up to the first book, packed full of adventure, character development, and biblical allusions for those with eyes to see.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 08.24.2023

A New Graphic Novel Adaptation of The Golden Key

The Golden Key will enchant imaginations as much as it will cast a spell on the soul, for children and parents alike.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 08.04.2023

The Lost Tales of Sir Galahad

Biblical and literary allusions crop up throughout the volume, which makes each chapter a sort of treasure hunt, in addition to an engaging read.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 07.27.2023

The Hobbit: Leaving Home and Going Home

As much bravery as it takes to leave home, maybe it takes even more to go home, to return permanently to the presence of the God who bore you on his breath.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 07.13.2023

Review of The Light Princess by George MacDonald

This edition from the Rabbit Room Press is a work of art.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 06.22.2023

All Things Bright and Beautiful

These are the books that plant seeds that will germinate later in life. And they set up the choice for our kids that they’ll need to make someday: Is God present as Creator and sustainer, or is he not?

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 05.12.2023

Reading Classics with Your Kids

What are classics and why should we be reading them to our kids? How will they benefit? Here are some things to consider.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 04.27.2023

Echo Island

This mystery book for teens hits on important themes for the Christian life.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

Helping Children with Anxiety

While children deal with their own fears and worries, they’re also watching you, taking cues on how they should respond.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.13.2022

The Lord of the Rings: Why It’s a Classic

Tolkien has created another world, not merely a story. And that leaves plenty of room for you and your kids to delve deeper into Middle Earth.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 02.09.2023

Teaching Moralism vs. Teaching Obedience

As parents, we need to be vigilant about what the books we read our kids assume about human nature, about redemption, about godliness.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

The Forgotten King: A Faithful and Creative Portrayal of Spiritual Realities

Eloquent, accessible, beautifully illustrated, and—most importantly—engaging for kids.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 01.19.2023

The Story of God with Us: A Biblical Theology of Presence

We have now and will have in the glorious future what we’ve always longed for: a dwelling place with God.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 03.03.2023

A Work of Beauty and Brilliance: A Review of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

I haven’t enjoyed a fiction series this much with my kids since we read Chronicles of Narnia.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 12.01.2022

Don’t Be a Dragon: A Hobbit Reflection

God gives all his gold away, and gets richer with every offering. Down with the dragons. Long live the King.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

Meet Kids Where They Are

“Christ wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head”

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 07.26.2022

Why Reading Aloud with Your Kids Is Important

Reading aloud to our kids invites us to participate in something basic to all stages of human life: joy

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022

Why Kids (and Grownups) Need Stories

The excitement and hope of stories are deeply related to our identity and purpose as Christians.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 08.16.2022

Cultivating a Love for Reading

Cultivating a love of reading in kids isn’t just about books.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022

When Santa Learned the Gospel

Christ doesn’t want to delete the world; he wants to redeem it.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022