
Anticipate the Questions Kids Will Ask

An excerpt from the newly released How to Teach Kids Theology

By Sam Luce & Hunter Williams | 01.16.2025

To the Busy Parent Who Wants to Disciple Their Kids

As parents, we make the most difference in our children’s lives by giving them the greatest treasure we have: time.

By Melissa Swain | 01.16.2025

Teaching Kids to Worship Every Day

How does a mom, dad, grandparent, or caregiver declare God's wonder and works to the next generation? Here are just a few suggestions.

By Jared Kennedy | 01.16.2025

Five Ways To Help Kids Learn To Pray (And a Read-Through!)

There are many things we as adults can do to help children grow and develop the habit of taking everything to God in prayer.

By Laura Wifler | 12.12.2024

Full-text Bibles for Young Readers through High School

Whether you're looking for a first full-text Bible or a study Bible for older students, here are some Westminster Kids favorites.

By Faith Chang | 12.22.2023

How to Help a 9-Year-Old Make Their Faith Their Own

Just like kids learn to cook by helping out with measuring, chopping, stirring and more, kids will learn to engage with God in their own lives when you let them practice.

By Bethany McIlrath | 11.15.2024

How to Embrace, Disciple, and Equip Children with Dyslexia

Here are three valuable truths to teach children with dyslexia, and three things parents and ministry leaders need to do to serve them well.

By Remley Gorsuch | 10.18.2024

One Way To Parent Today for a Confident Tomorrow: Treasure Good Books

Start reading to your child early on. Read before naptime. Read around the dinner table. Read before bedtime. Keep on reading to your child, and never stop.


Helping Your Child with Lying

You will not eliminate all of your child’s lies, but you can form a relationship with your child in which God’s words bring truth, the truth is prized, and there are incentives for honesty.


5 Reasons to Take Your Kids to Old Testament Stories

Let David’s wilderness years point them to Jesus’ days of temptation in the desert. Let Josiah’s godly-but-short rule point them to Jesus’ perfect-and-eternal reign. Let the fire on Mount Carmel in Elijah’s day point them to Jesus’ resurrection on Mount Zion.

By Carl Laferton | 09.13.2024

Helping Your Child Learn to Walk in Another’s Shoes

To encourage empathy in your kids, do these three simple things.


To the Discipling Parent Whose Child Seems Disconnected

Jesus didn’t have to plan a weekend getaway or expensive dinner to connect with his disciples. He used moments he already had, and we can, too.

By Melissa Swain | 08.09.2024

Our Teenagers Are Worth The Chase

Teenagers want people who will love them without leaving them—people who will see their messy hearts and not try to fix them.

By Drew Hill | 07.26.2024

Born to a Destiny

Olaudah Equiano's written legacy remains a challenge to all of us.

By Emily J. Maurits | 07.12.2024

Three Tips to Help Families Engage Fantasy for God’s Glory

"We must prepare to join our kids’ popular culture explorations, helping them discern these works and always bringing in the gospel."

By E. Stephen Burnett | 07.11.2024

7 Books That Teach Children God's Design for Marriage

"The world's view of marriage can often be very different to what the Bible says. But who is right, and who should we listen to?"

By Remley Gorsuch | 06.06.2024

Parents, Teach Your Children About Marriage

Here are three strategies for laying a solid biblical foundation on marriage for your kids.

By Jani Ortlund | 05.02.2024

Our Top Picks for Books on Gender

"The challenge is not whether kids and teens should ask the questions, it’s where they find the answers."

By Remley Gorsuch | 05.30.2024

Imagine the Bible

Teach your kids to imagine the Bible. You will both be more excited about God’s living word because of it.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 05.23.2024

Helping Your Child with Jealousy

Does your child struggle with jealousy from time to time? The best time to talk with children is when they are not actually jealous.


When Fractured Relationships Make Mother’s Day Hard: Hope for the Adult Child

For the mother whose relationship with her own mom makes Mother’s Day hard, here are a few things I’ve learned.

By Remley Gorsuch | 05.10.2024

Why Bother Reading Christian Books to Toddlers?

Our faith is for all of life, for the whole of life, and it’s never too early to show that to our kids through what we choose to do and read to them as we spend time with them.

By Carl Laferton | 05.03.2024

Navigating Uncharted Waters: Introducing Children to the Minor Prophets

Why venture into the Minor Prophets with children when the familiar stories of the Gospels seem safer? Here are a few compelling reasons and tips for embarking on this journey.


Why I Wrote A Book for Children about Pornography

If silence has been a weapon pornography has employed, then conversation is an ally in our fight.

By John Perritt | 04.18.2024

Why Reading Church History Will Make You Love God More

Taking in the great sweep of church history helps us realize many have come before, forming and influencing our faith in ways we need to appreciate.

By Luke H. Davis | 04.04.2024

Creation and C.S. Lewis' "Deeper Magic"

If fantasy is the world of magic, then our God-governed reality is a realm of deeper magic.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 04.04.2024

Modeling God's Unconditional Love for Us

From the author of Coop Messes Up, "When we love them unconditionally, our kids can see a dim picture of the much greater love God has for them in Christ."

By Sarah Reju | 03.01.2024

Teaching the Basic Concepts of the Christian Faith

Jonathan Gibson talks about his new release, My First Book of Bible Verses, and making Bible study and devotional time a part of family life.

By Jonathan Gibson | 03.01.2024

Developing a Heart for Missions in the Next Generation

How can we give our children a vision of what God is doing in the world and their part in it?

By Faith Chang | 02.16.2024

Christian Biographies for Black History Month

Here are stories of some incredible Black men and women who have served God and powerfully shaped history.

By Faith Chang | 02.02.2024

Hidden Heroes

The rich history of Christianity in Africa is something that should be talked about, written about, and celebrated.

By Jerome Gay Jr. | 02.02.2024

Book Excerpt: The True Story of Fannie Lou Hamer, a Civil Rights Activist Who Marched for the Right to Vote

The full timeline of Fannie Lou Hamer, a sample of the latest book in the Do Great Things for God series

By K.A. Ellis | 02.02.2024

Preparing Children to Suffer Well

We don’t have to wait until trauma strikes to prepare the hearts of our children to face the most intense forms of suffering.

By Curtis Solomon | 09.28.2023

Helping Kids Overcome Life's Fears

Whether our fear is real or imagined, in his Word God gives us all that we need to fight our fears.

By Marty Machowski | 11.02.2023

A Conversation with Carl Laferton about Writing Children's Books

What makes a good (or cringey) kids' book, a new storybook Bible, and advice for aspiring children's authors.


Ana's Top 6 Books for 4-year olds

"This book is a song. I like the backgrounds."


The Impact of Scripture Memory on Children

Children can recite pages of picture books, jingles, and song lyrics through simple exposure– how much more profitable it is to memorize the living Word of God?

By Sally Michael | 09.28.2023

Five Tips for Explaining Theological Truths to Kids

Kids can usually handle more theology–and need us to explain things more simply–than we think.

By Carl Laferton | 10.05.2023

Tips and Resources for Teaching Children, Tweens, and Teens How to Pray

Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as Christians. So how do we help young people who don’t know what or how to pray?

By Faith Chang | 09.21.2023

A Conversation with Melissa Kruger about Writing Children's Books

A behind-the-scenes look at the writing of two staff favorite children's books


5 Books to Help Kids Understand the Gospel as Good News for Them, Right Now

The heart behind these books is that repentance might become a reflex in the lives of the children who read them, that dependence on the Spirit, rather than white-knuckling obedience, would be as natural to these young readers as breathing.

By Abbey Wedgeworth | 08.03.2023

Discipling the Next Generation in Tech Use

As Christian parents and educators, we need to engage our young people about TikTok, smartphones, computer games, and the internet. How do we even begin to talk about the many issues surrounding technology?

By Faith Chang | 07.21.2023

The Hobbit: Leaving Home and Going Home

As much bravery as it takes to leave home, maybe it takes even more to go home, to return permanently to the presence of the God who bore you on his breath.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 07.13.2023

Helping Children and Teens Grow in Love for God's Church

From toddler to teen, here are some books that can help you and the young people in your life grow in loving God’s church.

By Faith Chang | 05.25.2023

Six Ways To Help Your Child Cultivate Thankfulness

This principle of connecting God to all of life is the source of the gratitude we all need to cultivate. And it is vital that every generation—including the next generation—come to see the connection between the Creator and his creation.

By Champ Thornton | 05.18.2023

Two Ways to Encourage the Moms in Your Life

Ten things to pray and one free download of encouraging selections from some of our favorite books.

By Remley Gorsuch | 05.04.2023

12 Old(ish) Books to Read When You Are Young

In his new book, Do Not Be True To Yourself, Kevin DeYoung recommends 12 classics for young people to read.

By Kevin Deyoung | 04.28.2023

Reading Classics with Your Kids

What are classics and why should we be reading them to our kids? How will they benefit? Here are some things to consider.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 04.27.2023

Walking with Children and Teens Through Doubts About Christianity

As adults, we are called to disciple the next generation in our homes and churches. So what do we do when they ask us big questions? How do we respond when they question their faith?

By Faith Chang | 04.14.2023

Helping Teens See Themselves Through Jesus’s Eyes

Because you can’t see or hear Jesus with your physical eyes and ears, walking with him takes a different kind of seeing and hearing.

By Drew Hill | 03.28.2023

5 Reasons to Teach Kids Biblical Theology

Biblical Theology can be a pretty scary term. It sounds a bit like another field of study reserved for the guys in the pulpit or the ones teaching at our seminary halls, but it’s much more than that.

By Remley Gorsuch | 03.10.2023

Talking to Your Children About Race

We must be intentional about giving our children gospel-rooted framework on race.

By Jerome Gay Jr. | 11.12.2022

Helping Children with Anxiety

While children deal with their own fears and worries, they’re also watching you, taking cues on how they should respond.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.13.2022

Teaching Moralism vs. Teaching Obedience

As parents, we need to be vigilant about what the books we read our kids assume about human nature, about redemption, about godliness.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

The Story of God with Us: A Biblical Theology of Presence

We have now and will have in the glorious future what we’ve always longed for: a dwelling place with God.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 03.03.2023

Catechesis: Learning by Heart

The goal of catechesis is not merely intellectual, but experiential.

By Harold L. Senkbeil | 12.02.2022

Don’t Be a Dragon: A Hobbit Reflection

God gives all his gold away, and gets richer with every offering. Down with the dragons. Long live the King.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 10.17.2022

Tracing Glory

I enjoy the traditions and rhythms that make the sometimes abstract truths of Scripture more real in my own heart and the hearts of my children

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.16.2022

Five Simple Ways to Teach Anyone About Jesus

"I try to adapt Bible study materials so that people affected by disability can go beyond where they ever have before in studying the Bible."

By Jill Miller | 11.12.2022

Fathers, Read the Bible With Your Kids

A father's positive role in a child's walk with Christ can hardly be overstated

By Remley Gorsuch | 10.17.2022

Meet Kids Where They Are

“Christ wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head”

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 07.26.2022

Why Reading Aloud with Your Kids Is Important

Reading aloud to our kids invites us to participate in something basic to all stages of human life: joy

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022

A Prayer for Young Children to Delight in Books and Learning

May I never make the work an empty labor, lacking wonder at the gift of words

By Kathleen Nielson | 09.16.2022

A Search Built With You in Mind

Westminster Kids has search capabilities for the kinds of things you're looking for.

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.16.2022

Proclaiming His Salvation to Our Children

Jesus is in the business of saving people from every tribe, language, and nation, which includes families!

By Timothy Brindle | 09.20.2022

Top 20 Quotes from Safeguards

“Keeping our children safe means we teach them God's ways–how he created us to live.”

By Faith Chang | 10.06.2022

Why Kids (and Grownups) Need Stories

The excitement and hope of stories are deeply related to our identity and purpose as Christians.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 08.16.2022


What a blessing to be able to pass on to the next generation not just a few dollars, a few cookies, and toys—but Christ, our only sure and certain hope.

By Rhonda Currie | 09.16.2022

Is Your Catechism "Fat"?

Maybe “catechism” sounds like a scary word. But it shouldn’t!

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.16.2022

Why Children Should Read Fiction

In times when hearts may grow weary of doing good or when the mirror that we look through is dirtied and dim, fiction can re-enchant our hearts, minds, and souls.

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.06.2022

The Story Behind The Child’s Story Bible

Appeals to the interest and imagination of children without sacrificing fidelity to the text of Scripture

By Josiah Pettit | 09.19.2022

5 Reasons We Love Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.19.2022

30 Prophecies, One Story

Warning: this is not your typical kid's book

By Josiah Pettit | 09.16.2022

Cultivating a Love for Reading

Cultivating a love of reading in kids isn’t just about books.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022

When Santa Learned the Gospel

Christ doesn’t want to delete the world; he wants to redeem it.

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs | 09.16.2022

The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles

“It’s really great!”

By Remley Gorsuch | 09.16.2022

Why Westminster Kids?

“Tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lᴏʀᴅ.” - Psalm 78:4

By Josiah Pettit | 09.16.2022