Faith Chang


Top 20 Quotes from Safeguards

“Keeping our children safe means we teach them God's ways–how he created us to live.”

By Faith Chang | 03.22.2024

Developing a Heart for Missions in the Next Generation

How can we give our children a vision of what God is doing in the world and their part in it?

By Faith Chang | 02.16.2024

Christian Biographies for Black History Month

Here are stories of some incredible Black men and women who have served God and powerfully shaped history.

By Faith Chang | 02.02.2024

Full-text Bibles for Young Readers through High School

Whether you're looking for a first full-text Bible or a study Bible for older students, here are some Westminster Kids favorites.

By Faith Chang | 12.22.2023

Advent Resources for Every Age

Here are some of our favorite Advent devotionals for every age range and for the whole family.

By Faith Chang | 11.17.2023

Tips and Resources for Teaching Children, Tweens, and Teens How to Pray

Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as Christians. So how do we help young people who don’t know what or how to pray?

By Faith Chang | 09.21.2023

Discipling the Next Generation in Tech Use

As Christian parents and educators, we need to engage our young people about TikTok, smartphones, computer games, and the internet. How do we even begin to talk about the many issues surrounding technology?

By Faith Chang | 07.21.2023

Helping Children and Teens Grow in Love for God's Church

From toddler to teen, here are some books that can help you and the young people in your life grow in loving God’s church.

By Faith Chang | 05.25.2023

Walking with Children and Teens Through Doubts About Christianity

As adults, we are called to disciple the next generation in our homes and churches. So what do we do when they ask us big questions? How do we respond when they question their faith?

By Faith Chang | 04.14.2023

A Family Favorite Picture-Book on Jesus' Care and Identity

If the best Christian children’s books distill rich theological truths in delightfully simple ways, The Storm that Stopped does this masterfully.

By Faith Chang | 10.14.2022

Parenting with Words of Grace

Parents need to understand the way God relates with us if we are to show the same grace to our children.

By Faith Chang | 03.03.2023

Top 20 Quotes from Safeguards

“Keeping our children safe means we teach them God's ways–how he created us to live.”

By Faith Chang | 10.06.2022