By Remley Gorsuch
01.19.2024 | Min Read

On a recent family road trip, I packed a bag of books for my kids to read in between audiobooks and The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles was the first book my 8-year-old son grabbed. He devoured it in hours and has already picked it up for a re-read. We had great conversations on the road about the Biblical stories that the kids in the book found themselves plopped into and the overarching story of redemption in the Bible.

It’s no exaggeration to say that there is a shortage of engaging and biblically rooted fiction for middle-grade readers, so we're always excited at Westminster Kids when we find titles we can share with our customers (and our kids!)

If you're looking for well-written fiction with redemptive themes for your middle grader, here's a list of some of our bookstore favorites. 

1. The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles (The Kambur Chronicles)

Fleeing a neighborhood bully, a brother and sister stumble into an ancient quest and now they must escape far more powerful enemies. As readers journey through time and place with Nomi and Emmet, they'll see how God conquers evil, slays the Serpent, and rescues his people. (Click to View Product

Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic
2. The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic

Ten-year-old Persimmony Smudge lives a boring life on the Island in the Middle of Everything, but she longs for adventure. And she soon gets it when she overhears a life-altering secret and suddenly finds herself in the middle of an amazing journey. It's up to Persimmony and her friend Worvil to convince the island's quarreling inhabitants that a giant is sleeping in their midst and must not be awakened. (Click to View Product)

3. Little Pilgrim’s Progress

In this fresh, imaginative new edition, bestselling illustrator Joe Sutphin portrays the characters of Bunyan's tale as furry creatures living in a woodland realm. This book will help children see the trials and triumphs of faithfulness with fresh eyes, leading them to declare along with Christian, "I am going to the King!" (Click to View Product)

4. The Songs of a Warrior (Saul and David: A Retelling)

This dramatic retelling of the accounts of the first two kings of Israel follows the intertwining stories of Jonathan, Saul, David and Michal documented in 1 and 2 Samuel. This resource is a great way to help kids aged 8-13 engage with God's word. They'll be left thinking about what it means to trust God and realizing that only Jesus can really be the king God's people need. (Click to View Product)

5. On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness (The Wingfeather Saga)

Janner Igiby, his brother, Tink, and their sister, Leeli, will need all their gifts and all that they love to survive the evil pursuit of the venomous Fangs of Dang, who have crossed the dark sea to rule the land with malice. This is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers' groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. (Click to View Product

This is Book 1 of The Wingfeather Saga. Read our Westminster Kids reviews here: Book 1, Book 2.

6. The Green Ember (Green Ember Series)

Heather and Picket are extraordinary rabbits with ordinary lives until calamitous events overtake them, spilling them into a cauldron of misadventures. They discover that their own story is bound up in the tumult threatening to overwhelm the wider world. Where will Heather and Picket land? How will they make their stand? (Click to View Product)

Series: This is Book 1 of The Green Ember Series. Read our Westminster Kids review of the series here: The Green Ember: A Story for Souls

7. The Bark of the Bog Owl (Wilderking Trilogy)

Courage and a heart for adventure drive twelve-year-old shepherd boy Aidan Errolson. Aidan dreams of wild places still untamed and quests not yet pursued until his life changes forever on the day Bayard the Truthspeaker arrives at Longleaf with an astonishing pronouncement: it is Aidan’s destiny to be the Wilderking, who will ascend to the throne from Corenwald’s wildest places. (Click to View Product)

Series: This is Book 1 of the Wilderking Trilogy.

8. The Dragon and the Stone (Dream Keeper Saga)

Even though she's only 12 years old, Lily McKinley already feels the weight of the world's brokenness. As an artistic daydreamer, Lily has a brilliant imagination to help her cope, but that imagination often gets her into trouble. One day, it transports her to a fantasy world called the Somnium Realm, where her father's secret history embroils her in an epic quest. (Click to View Product)

Series: This is Book 1 of The Dream Keeper Saga.

9. Beneath the Swirling Sky (The Restorationists)

After an experience he'd rather forget, Vincent is determined to be done with art. So when he and his little sister, Lili, spend spring break with their art conservator great-uncle, Vincent's plan is to stay glued to his phone. That is, until Lili disappears into one of the world's most famous paintings and Vincent learns his parents have been hiding something from him: Their family is the last of The Restorationists, a secret society with the power to travel through paintings--and a duty to protect them from evil forces. (Click to View Product)

10. Dark Star (Callenlas Chronicles)

In Callenlas, dragons carry riders on adventures, and stars are rumored to live among human beings. Caught up in a war that threatens everything they have ever known, a downtrodden apprentice and a discontented princess find themselves drawn closer and closer to the great King Elior. Will he prove to be Zaphreth's greatest enemy, or the hero of Runa's legends? (Click to View Product)

Series: This is Book 1 of the Callenlas Chronicles.

11. Squirreled Away (Dead Sea Squirrels)

Ten-year-old Michael and his friend Justin sneak into the Dead Sea caves near the archaeological dig where Michael's dad is working. Michael finds two 2,000-year-old squirrels petrified in sea salt. What Michael thinks are just cool souvenirs may turn out to be something much more! The Dead Sea Squirrels series is humorous, fun, and filled with character-building lessons. (Click to View Product)

Series: This is Book 1 of The Dead Sea Squirrels.

Read all these books already? Browse all our fiction titles for ages 8-12 here: Middle Grade and Tween Fiction