By Remley Gorsuch
10.13.2022 | Min Read

Raising Kids in a Hyper-Sexualized World presents a hands-on approach for parents to have conversations that the world would rather you didn't have. Emphasizing God's compassion and forgiveness, Eliza Huie leads readers through essential principles that will help you lead your children through the wilderness of 21st Century sexuality. 

Seven Essential Parenting Principles

These do's and don'ts aren't just recycled moralistic aphorisms–they are wholehearted wisdom aimed at glorifying the Lord. Here are seven essential parenting principles for navigating these important conversations:

1. Don't overreact.

...Do listen, understand, teach repentance, and model forgiveness.

2: Don't preach or lecture.

...Do encourage, inspire hope, listen, and point to Jesus.

3: Don't disconnect.

...Do know your teen, their friends, their interests, and their temptations.

4: Don't think: 'not my kid.'

...Do prepare yourself for difficult conversations.

5: Don't avoid discussing the changes they are experiencing.

...Do walk with your teens through the ups and downs.

6: Don't underestimate the role you play.

...Do offer counsel, speak the truth, and ask about their experiences.

7: Don't send teens the wrong messages about sex.

...Do tell your teens that sex within marriage is a glorious gift from God.